Not So Wordless Wednesday - With Pictures!

I've seen so many other mommy bloggers participate in Wordless Wednesday and I really love what it's about. But I can't ever seem to come up with anything to post! I get the point of the Wordless Wednesday theme - to post a picture without any sort of explanation or caption to go with it. But then I start to post a picture I absolutely love and I feel the need to talk about the picture and why it's so important and why I chose it.

I guess I'm just not "deep" enough to participate. haha

I was looking through old pictures of Hailey, trying to choose one to post. I love them all and I could say so much about any of them. But the more I looked, the more I realized that I can't just choose one. She looks so happy in these and who doesn't love a happy, smiling baby!?

I remember when it was so easy to make Hailey laugh. She was so little and everything in the world was outright hilarious to her. A simple funny face was all it took. I remember when I used to arm myself with the camera, hide behind it and then pop out with "Boo!" and a silly face. She'd absolutely scream with laughter and I'd get a great picture. You do that now and she just looks at you like you're crazy. I'm sure every other mother in the world who tries to take pictures of their toddler can relate.

Remember that point where pictures were fun... just before your kids got too "mobile" and taking pictures was a difficult task [and often meant that a photo shoot of 50+ pictures resulted in only 3 or 4 good ones you'd actually send to your family]? Yeah. I'm talking that very brief time in your child's life when getting awesome pics was a breeze and they always looked great [and OMG Keri this totally excludes your always perfect looking children. Just kidding hun... sorta! haha]

So moms... lets go back to those days. The task is to go back in time and select your favorite pictures of your baby's smile [let's narrow it down to three for the sake of sanity]. Don't forget to link back here so other moms can share as well and most importantly, don't forget to leave a link to your post in my comments so we can all share!

Apparently I birthed Gene Simmons. This has ALWAYS been one of my favorite pics of Hailey.

She loved her first shoes. This was taken the same day she actually stood for the first time.

Can you believe this was taken in August 2007!? Look at that cute little tooth!


Keri @ September 9, 2009 at 8:42 PM

Love the headband in that last one! You know I have a thing for headbands and bows ;)

And you'd be surprised how many 100s of pictures I need to take to end up with a single decent one. Have you ever noticed how few pictures there are on my blog of the boys compared to Vivi? That's because they run away from me or make the ugly face the second they see the camera, lol.

Holly @ September 9, 2009 at 9:21 PM

So adorable!

Unknown @ September 10, 2009 at 5:27 PM

LOL! I love the first pic! She's too cute!

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