To My Darling Daughter

When did you get so big? Just two weeks ago, you almost still looked like my baby. Now you're pushing the age of 3, already barely stuffed into your 3T clothing and size 7 1/2 shoes. At 36 inches tall you've only grown a mere 2 inches since January but you look completely different to me. Where the heck did that tan come from!? I could spend every day outside and I would never tan like that. Where did you get that ability from? It sure wasn't from me.

I look at you and I see this little girl now. You're forever my baby in my heart, but it's time for me to suck it up and admit it - you're all grown up now. You're truly a full fledged toddler. There is no going back to that little girl who slept in a crib, drank from a nuby sippy or needed mommy to do everything for her. Now you're helping me change you and dress you. You're running over to hold my hand so we can walk places together. You're climbing stairs, opening doors and feeding yourself and I can't change that as badly as I want to deep down.

I'm so incredibly proud of you. You have been through so much in the last year - a lot of it being my own fault. But you're still that strong, determined Hailey who loves life and wants nothing more than to jump and dance. Best of all, I know you still love me despite all of the times I didn't do my best. We could all learn a very big lesson from you. I know I still have a lot to learn. Let's make a trade. I'll be sure to teach you everything I know if you'll be sure to teach me everything you know. Deal?

I want you to know that no matter what happens this year, no matter how bad it is and no matter if things don't go the way we all hope and pray... I will be there for every moment no matter what it costs me and no matter how hard or how long I have to fight for it. Big or small, you can count on me to always deliver. I will continue to give up everything I own for the sake of making sure you never go without - until I have nothing left. And even then, I'll still make sure I find a way to assure you the best today and tomorrow possible.

It doesn't matter if you're 3 or 30, you'll always be my little girl - my baby Hailey. I love you.


Charlie @ August 16, 2009 at 5:01 AM

That was really beautiful, I love you so much, you made me cry so hard!

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