Today's Random Visit from DSS

I just had a social worker randomly drop in on me because she knew I had Hailey today. When she arrived, Hailey and I were in her bedroom, sitting on the floor and reading the book we'd bought her at the aquarium. Charlie's mom comes in and announces that a caseworker is here.

Huh, what!? So I spring to my feet and close Hailey's baby gate behind me and gaze at my messy house. Okay.. it's not really messy, but like I still had my garbage bag of shoes sitting in the hall because I intend to give them to Charlie's niece and just don't have anything else to do with them right now. My bed wasn't made - because I got up at 5am and just didn't care to make it. Stuff like that.

I won't go into a lot of details because let's face it... I have no doubt that my ex husband and his family are reading this and the details are none of their business. It will suffice it to say that the meeting went extraordinarily well and I passed with flying colors. She didn't get to meet with or talk to Charlie, because naturally he was sleeping because he was up until 6 in the morning. Apparently this woman, whom my own lawyer has NEVER heard of nor spoke to, has the outcome of my psychological evaluation - something that I was told would be given to me first via the mail so I could look it over and ask questions before it was given to anyone else. Good news is that my lawyer at least has the evaluation as well and is going to mail it to me on Monday so I can take a look at it.

But here's the kicker...

This caseworker told me that my next court date is on September 3rd. First I've heard of this... first my lawyer has heard of this... first that Hailey's grandparent's lawyer has heard of it as well. In fact, his dates are protected September 2-16 because he is involved with another case. So it's definitely news to all of us. I don't know what the hell is going on, but at least I'm not the only person in the dark.

I wish I could go into more detail than that. I know I made a promise that I'd always share all but for the sake of my case, I think it's best that I don't for the time being. Sorry y'all!


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