I Need My Own Car

Charlie announced to me yesterday that his mother is pissed off at me. She's upset for good reason. I returned her car to her with hardly any gas. I should start by saying that I didn't do it on purpose. It's the first time I've ever done that to her [although she claims it's the second time] and I really didn't intend to leave her with no gas.

When I bring Hailey to her grandparents after visitation and drive back, I get home around 9:45 in the evening. It's dark by then and I'm not comfortable with gas stations after dark. They've always made me nervous and I think my fear of them is rational. I decided I would take her car Sunday morning and completely fill it - thus filling the tank with more gas than she'd given me to start with. But then I honestly completely forgot.

I'm upset that she's so mad at me. It was truly an honest mistake. It really is the first time I've done that. Who knows which one of Charlie's ex girlfriends she's getting me mixed up with - likely Jennifer since she does it so often. I think I have been very fair about the use of her car. I've taken good care of it. I almost always put more gas in it than it had when I borrowed it. And if I don't, I always at least put back in what I started with.

I wanted to be angry and say "Fine, I just won't borrow her car any more" and then I remembered... That's not an option. I have to have a car in order to pick up Hailey - and Charlie's truck isn't an option for someone like me. I'm legally blind in my right eye [as a reminder to those of you who haven't read the post in reference to this blog's name here]. I have to drive a small vehical. Can I drive Charlie's truck in an emergency? Sure! But it's very difficult for me and it's not something I should be doing often.

Of course then you would probably ask why Charlie can't get a smaller vehicle that we can both drive. Need I remind you that he's 6'8" tall? He doesn't even fit into his mother's car and I mean that literally. So we struggle with the fact that we can't afford another car right now for me. We can't get a smaller car so I can just share with him. Even if that were possible, he leaves for work while I am gone dropping off Hailey. So I have no choice - I have to borrow her car to make it all work.

I hate that I can't just get in the car and go. I don't know where the heck I think I'd go, but I hate not having the option. It feels like I haven't had that option in years. Oh wait... that's because I really haven't! My ex husband took away that freedom. He tricked me a hundred times over in our marriage. I wasn't ever allowed to take my own car and drive anywhere.

I had a fully paid off 2002 Ford Focus that I worked very hard for in high school. After Joe and I got married, he decided I needed a new car because I was pregnant with Hailey. We traded in my fully paid off car for a 2005 Suzuki Reno. I loved that car for the few months I was allowed to use it until Joe decided that I wasn't allowed to drive any more or go anywhere without him. It had 800 miles on it the week I left Joe. It was in his name since he told me it had to be for tax purposes. So he took it in the divorce [and then dropped 60k CASH on a brand new car for himself while keeping my poor Suzuki hostage].

So I don't even have a car for myself. I just cannot afford it. Maybe after Hailey is home and if Charlie gets a better job. Then I can get a job when Hailey is home and we can actually afford to have a few nice things. Until then, I guess I have to deal with his mom being pissed at me a lot over me using her car. *sigh*


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