I Won My Money!

Last month, I was hacked - quite badly actually. One person gained access to my credit card information, personal e-mails and various accounts I have online. It was really scary. This person by finding out the password and information from just one account was able to use all of my accounts against one another to find out more and more information which lead them as far as having access to my Paypal account - and almost my bank account.

I was lucky. Very lucky. Whoever this guy was, he actually took the time out of his day of hacking to speak with me. He told me everything he'd gotten into. He left everything open so I could change my passwords and regain control over my online life. He told me exactly how he got to everything. It started with my Ripway.com account.

For several months, I'd used Ripway as the free hosting space for some minor web pages I wanted - before I chose to go the route of having my own, BIG hosting space LegendaryWears.com. But as fate would have it, I decided to spend a little money to up the daily bandwidth on my Ripway account until I had everything moved and dealt with. I then canceled my account and I never used it again.

As it turns out, Ripway does a poor job of keeping credit card and other personal information away from prying eyes. I was only too happy to be done with them by this point. That is until a few days ago, when I suddenly found myself $28 short in my bank account. Ripway had taken it for some annual fee. It's not much, but $28 is more than I can afford right now - especially on something I canceled and am no longer using. I immediately wrote to them and I was quite angry.
I canceled my account once before, but it looks like your company recently took $28.00 out of my bank account. I want my subscription to your service CANCELED IMMEDIATELY.

Not only was my information NOT safeguarded by your company, but I was recently hacked using credit card information not properly handled by your company and my identity stolen. If you do not immediately cancel my subscription, I will be at the bank on Monday morning having your charge removed from my account.

The web address associated with my account is [removed by me]
I'm not sure of what other information I can provide in regards to my account. This e-mail is the one connected to the account.
Guess they are used to be threatened and just cut their losses with me. I checked today and there is my $28 in all it's glory. Finally... something has gone right! I win!


Anonymous @ August 20, 2009 at 10:14 PM

Wow...that's creepy! Glad you got everything back though!

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