Other Moms & Their Blogs

So I just joined up with BlogFrog. It's some sort of social networking ring for bloggers. Looked promising and in a way, it made me feel better to know that there are other moms out there who write about themselves and the lives of their families. Then again, it also made me feel like crap.

Look at them all with their cutesy pictures of their children. They all sound so happy and really have it together. Or perhaps that's just my perception since I'm in such a negative place right now. Who is going to want to read about some stay at home mom who doesn't have custody of her child due to some stupid custody battle that doesn't even make sense? I must sound so pathetic.

This is rather discouraging for me. My point isn't to necessarily attract readers, but then again it is. I mean, if I didn't hope someone read this then I would just write it all privately on my hard drive where no one would ever see it. The point is to get people involved. They should read and feel like someone else has been there. But I read these other mom's blogs and it makes me remember that they are in a place I used to be in, am not any more and don't know when or if I ever will be again.

Well damnit, here is MY cutesy picture to cheer myself up! Yes, my lovely daughter picking her nose. Can't wait until she gets her first boyfriend. *evil grin*


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