A Literally Painful Visitation

Today's visitation was very rough. I fell asleep in the truck on the way to pick Hailey up and when I woke, I was in excruciating pain. My back was spasming and I couldn't even breath without wincing in pain. In fact, I'm still in quite a bit of pain.

We got out of the truck and Charlie tried to loosen my back for me. It helped a little, but it wasn't long before I was in just as much pain as before. He had to lift Hailey up into the truck for me. No way I could do it for that moment.

I spent most of the day in pain. I enjoyed my time with Hailey. I only hope she enjoyed her time with her injured mommy. When nap time came, I laid down myself on my back in bed. Charlie brought me a back massager thing to lay on and it helped a little, but it was also rather uncomfortable.

We played hard - hard as I could any ways. Hailey did a good bit of running outside. She would run around our back yard and run to me laughing. That girl's smile is absolutely infectious. She ran around the dogs trying to steer clear of Flora. I don't think she'll ever like our weiner dog - it's kind of hyper and Flora absolutely adores Hailey and you can tell she misses her. But I took her and I back inside. I was getting bit by gnats so I'm sure she was as well.

And then came the long, emotional ride back to Charleston to drop her back off with her grandparents. I tried not to cry on the way home. Charlie and I talked as much as we could to keep our mind off of things, but it never works. I still end up in tears.

I can't wait for this to be over with.


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