
Several months ago (I wanna say April) I signed up to try because I wanted to get an idea of what my credit score looked like and perhaps what I could do to improve it.. Charlie signed up too and we quickly came to find out what a complete waste of money it is. We're talking $14 per month per account (It's only "free" for the first month apparently).

It's a huge hassle to cancel this thing. You can't just do it online - you have to call this 888 number and talk to a representative. Well I called to cancel both of our accounts which shouldn't have been a big deal because I'm his wife, I know his social security number and the bank account number associated with the account.

It starts off that they go as far as asking me for all of his information and then tell me that they have to speak with him. Then why the hell did they ask me for all of the information? What a waste of time. So I deal with my own account instead and I go through all of it again, giving them my information. They immediately give me the run around.

They start telling me how I am eligible to get their service for half price. I say "No thanks.. just cancel my account." Then they have the audacity to say "Well I see you checked your account last month - why?" What!? What kind of question is this? What do you mean why? Because I wanted to see my score since I paid to see it - duh!

So now I have to wait for some e-mail from them in order to confirm my cancellation. Why? Do they expect me to change my mind in the next 24 hours? Would I really have gone through all of that trouble if I weren't sure I wanted to cancel? Seriously.


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