Movie: Orphan

Just a warning... this blog contains spoilers for the movie Orphan.

Charlie and I have been meaning to see this for a couple of weeks now and finally had the chance today. We heard it was "As good as The Sixth Sense" and were really excited to see it. It was a good movie - I liked it better than Charlie did. But about 5 minutes into the movie, I thought I was going to have to walk out.

The very beginning of the movie, the mother in the story is having a nightmare about giving birth. The nurse keeps telling her how sorry she is that her baby is dead and that they have to get it out of her and the mom is screaming "What are you talking about? I can feel her moving inside of me!" Then her husband is video taping it while the doctors are cutting her open. They hand her a baby completely covered in blood (not the normal amount of blood and goo you see in an actual birth) all wrapped in a blanket. It was really grotesque and I just don't handle situations like that very well.

A lot of the movie reminded me of the old Caulkin flick "The Good Son" with all of the bad child antics. But the ending was rather shocking and the shock value did have a Sixth Sense quality to it.

It wasn't really scary - not like BOO! or ghostly scary. It was scary in the "Wow this could really happen" sort of way. Was a good movie besides the points that really hit me too hard emotionally as a mother.


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