Silence is Golden

It's 7:30 in the morning and I'm snoozing comfortably in my bed. BAM BAM BAM What on earth is that noise? I continue trying to sleep. BAM BAM BAM Ugh Are you serious!? What the heck is going on?

That's when I realize someone is on my roof and they are being obnoxiously loud. As it turns out, there are workers here and they are fixing my roof. Great! No, really... that's great because it needed fixing. That said, I had no idea they were coming today and certainly not at 7:30 in the morning. They didn't knock on my door nor announce themselves [unless you count banging on my roof as an announcement].

The banging did not stop all day - except for 30 minutes here and there when the workers took a break. So from 7:30 until... I'm not sure but I know they were here for at least nine hours... their was banging. It greatly affected me health wise. I felt faint many times today. The banging got so loud at hard at some points that bits of ceiling crumbled to the floor. I spent the whole day feeling jumpy and anxious. My heart was pounding out of my chest. It was really rough. My body finally couldn't take it any more and I laid in Charlie's bed and fell asleep for a nap.

Worse... They aren't done and they will be back tomorrow.

Poor Patches didn't even get to eat all day - not food we gave her anyway. The workers parked in my front lawn in front of where Patches has been living under the house. They were throwing the old shingles down from the roof. No way was she going to come out with them there. She must have been petrified. Charlie got her to come out this evening and she doesn't come out for him often - she's so used to me calling her. She must have been mega hungry. Poor kitty.

No idea how I'm going to get through tomorrow. I feel like complete crap right now from all of the commotion today.


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