Choosing Memories

So my friend Keri of Married2Military posted a blog in response to my post My Dirty Laundry. I was reading her comments on the blog when I came across a message left that said

Nobody's life is perfect, and these blogs are just a glimpse at our lives...the moments we choose to record!

What an amazing statement. It really struck me. Of course, I blog about pretty much anything. I mean, I blogged about shrimp alfredo for crying out loud. But I know at some point in my six years of blogging I have left out a detail or two. There has certainly been some things I have been ashamed to post - either because they were really that bad or because I didn't want to remember them.

This goes against everything I said in my post My Dirty Laundry or Starting Over With No More Censorship but I guess there really is a line you don't cross when posting online.

I didn't write about certain details pertaining to the abuse from my previous marriage. I was too embarrassed and quite frankly, I think I remember it well enough that I didn't need to ever write it down. And if I'm being honest, there are some things I just didn't ever talk about. It doesn't make me any less real - it just means it was too much for me. Maybe the point of blogs for some people is to only capture the good - so they can go back and read about all of the good parts of their life when things get rough. I suppose I can see the point in that.

Doesn't mean I'm going to do that - because sadly, I wouldn't have a blog! haha

I guess I always felt that I should record everything I could stand to - even if it isn't so positive. I want to look back and see where I came from and the moments - good and bad - that made me who I am.


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