I wish we could afford to get shots for it and stuff like we do the other animals but we just cannot do it right now. I can't believe I love this little kitten. I hated cats until Cinders became my step-kitty. And now there is this poor little kitten outside all alone in the dark and it makes me sad. I want to bring it inside and take care of it so bad. But Flora is a purebred and she costs a fortune at the vet and I cannot afford for her to get sick because of there being a stray cat with who knows what diseases in the house.
So welcome Patches to the family! I have no idea what the gender is and it'll be a while until we know for sure. Hoping it's a boy. I'll go insane if we have a female cat and it goes into heat and makes that horrible noise they make - and worse, if it has kitties of its own and then I end up with those as well. But welcome nevertheless little Patches! :D
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