Someone Called Me Fat Today

I received a comment today on my post Husband/Wife Association, basically to tell me how fat I am. Okay, so I realized that if I was going to write a public blog, the comments wouldn't always be so nice. But come on... calling me fat? Isn't that a bit childish?

I obviously realize I'm overweight. I have been my entire life.

Is it genetic? Absolutely.
Do I have an underlying problem causing my weight gain? Yes. Several.
Is it my fault I'm fat? The 8-ball says 'Very likely'.

I gained a lot of weight from my two pregnancies - weight that has just refused to fall off. I thought I was fat in high school. Pfft! Yeah right. I only wish I had that body again. I was still chubby, but I sure looked good compared to now. I've put on serious pounds since Hailey was born and I have most definitely put on weight this year since she's been away. It's called depression and my body is feeling it.

I need to get out more. I need more exercise. I eat fairly healthy. We don't fry foods in this house but maybe ocne every few months. We don't eat out - it costs too much anyways. We cook all of our food ourselves. We use good, quality ingredients - the best that poor people can afford anyways. We don't cook in butter or lard - we use very light amounts of olive oil. I eat appropriate portions and I pay close attention to the amount of food that goes into my mouth.

How dare anyone tell me to go on a diet - especially anonymously! That's just mean.

Charlie is the last person a comment like that should be directed at. He's 6'8" and that's no exaggeration. He suffers from gigantism. He had a tumor removed from his pituitary gland when he was a teenager. He used to weigh over 600 pounds! And ya know what? Through eating right, cooking all of his own food, portion control and eating less fatty foods, he lost over 200 pounds. That's a couple of people!

Next time you look at someone and you want to call them fat - or worse, you do it anonymously... know before you speak. I have a lot of psychical problems right now. I so much as look at food and I gain 5 pounds. I'm very sickly right now and fighting it. I have to wait until my coverage officially starts so I can go to the doctor to get the ball rolling and get some blood work done to see what we can do about it.


Raine @ August 18, 2009 at 3:53 PM

Dont worry about other people, they are bastards. Expecially anonymous people.

Side note: I just read a book called The Little Giant of Aberdeen County - it is about a girl with the same tumor on her pituatary. I highly recommend it.

Anonymous @ August 18, 2009 at 4:07 PM

Some people are just rude! To do it anonymously though? Get a pair! If you're gonna try to insult someone, at least have the balls to admit who you are! People like that make me mad, anybody who's been the slightest bit overweight knows that going on a diet and exercising isn't always as easy as it sounds.

As for the High School weight comment, lol, I had to laugh at that. I was 100 pounds lighter in high school and thought that was bad, lol, oh to be that size again...I'd welcome it now! *Hugs*

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