Starting Over With No More Censorship

Many months ago, I began writing this blog. It was finally the public version of an online journal that I have been writing literally for many years now in a more private setting. I made the mistake of thinking I had to hide who I am and what is going on in my life and soon realized that that pretty much defeats the point of the blog. I decided to start over. I decided to stop changing people's names or leaving out important details just because I thought it might hurt someone's feelings or cause some sort of issue in some way. That's life. You can't please everyone so I won't even bother trying.

The stories are real. The people are real. I don't make stuff up for shock value or to gain readers. I'm not writing it here looking to start a fight or to gain attention nor sympathy. I'm writing it because it makes me feel better and I'm hoping it will touch at least a few people and make them feel like they aren't so alone in this world. I hope by reading this, you either find that your life isn't that bad, or that at least someone else understands what you are going through.

The focus of this blog is me. I'm the writer and therefor everything is subject to my perspective. You can have your own opinions of course, but if you don't like the views expressed here, go make your own blog and express yourself there. I'm a naturally unforgiving and opinionated writer. I write as I feel, as I understand and as I desire.

You may find yourself interested in the title of the blog, "The Diary of a Short, Fat Cyclops". For starters, it was a good way to get your attention and peak your interest. But more importantly, it's a descriptive and fun play on words aimed at myself. I'll be frank and say I'm short, fat and legally blind in one eye. I trust I don't have to go into more explanation.

Without further ado, I leave you to explore the rest of my blog.


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