My mother in law [of all people] got me hooked on my little.... obsession. She raved about it to Charlie and I for months until we cracked. I even remember I had to be coerced into it because the whole idea just didn't appeal to me. I mean, what could be so great that my mother in law [again, of all people] felt I just had to be apart of?
For me, it all started with movies like Underworld which later progressed to Twilight. But I needed more. Much more. Don't get me wrong. I love Twilight. I think it's a great movie and I'm excited for November when New Moon comes out. Having said that, I feel it's very geared towards hormonal teenagers [and let's face it. that's the way it should be]. But I my love of those particular movies and their genres is what really laid the foundation of my little... obsession.
You're just dying to know what it is, aren't you? Right now, I imagine you're on the edge of your seat. You're reading each line as quickly as possible so that you may come to the conclusion. You want to know what my little... obsession is.
Oh it's good. Real good. I'm obsessed with it - no statement can be more True. I attest to it with every drop of Blood in my body. It even makes me want to Do Bad Things With You. Oh yes. That's right. I'm talking about...

If Charlie isn't home, we record True Blood with the DVR. If it doesn't record [which happens a lot lately thus pissing me off] we watch it On Demand at midnight when it gets added to the HBO On Demand list.
True Blood is sort of like Twilight - but very much for adults. There is more to it than vampires - lots of other "beings" exist on the show in fact. But in a lot of ways, the story is pretty much the same. Vampire falls in love with human and swears to protect her.. blah blah blah. Expect then there is a lot of sex and Anna Paquin [You'll remember her as Rogue in X-Men] gets naked... a lot.
I'm also addicted to True Blood. Jessica is my new favorite vamp. She's gorgeous! I also loved The L Word, may it rest in peace.
We love True Blood in this house too!! Have you read the books?? I just bought the first one but haven't started on it yet!
Nope.. never read the books. In fact, I didn't even know there were books until after I watched the whole first season. :D
I don't want to read the books because it will give away the show. Same thing with Dexter. I looooooove that show (again, a series based off of books) and I don't want reading the books to spoil anything for me.
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