The L Word....

...and I don't mean lesbians.

I came across a blog with a very nice and positive idea. It's just what I need! There's nothing better than splicing a little positive into your life. The object of this post is to create a Love List - a list of things I.. well.. love. It can be anything - big or small. It doesn't matter.. just as long as it's loved (and I'm sticking with objects and things - not people).

This is in no particular order - just as they come to my little mind.

  • Twitter. I think you have to be a little bit of an attention whore to write a blog and the same thing holds true for Twitter. I love that I can write about myself and what I'm doing on-the-go and people actually care to know. The idea that someone is getting information via their computer or even their cell phone about me going to the grocery store or cooking dinner just amuses the hell out of me.
  • Grapefruit. In any form really - juice, as just a fruit, slices in a jar. I just love grapefuit and that bitter but tartly sweet taste it leaves in your mouth. Oh crap. I'm actually drooling a little bit. While we're on the subject, I love fruit of just about any kind. I hate it when fruit isn't in the house and hate that it goes so quickly and costs so much.
  • True Blood on HBO. I've never had a television show capture my attention this way. I can honestly say that I have an almost unhealthy addiction to it. I watch it. I talk about it. I inform people about it who don't watch it. I've even convinced people to get HBO so that they can watch it! Speaking of which... I love Sundays. It's a big TV day in this house. We watch everything from True Blood to Hung, Chopped and Next Food Network Star (or did.. the season is over now).
  • Texting. I've had cell phones for years, but never a full texting plan. Finally, I can communicate with people during times in which I really can't pick up a phone. And while we're on the subject... I love my cell phone. Out of all the phones I've had, this one is by far the best. I actually have zero complaints about it!
  • Blogging. I guess that's obvious by now! I love that I can write down everything that pops into my little head and sort stuff out. I love that it actually interests people and they read it. I enjoy the expressive outlet it offers me.
  • I love sleep - whether it be a short snooze on the couch to sleeping in bed for a ridiculous amount of hours. I can sleep anywhere at any time and I pride myself on proving that! I love being snuggled down in my covers, hugging my squishy pillow and knowing that so long as I'm asleep, the stresses and hardships of life cease to exist.
  • McDonald's Parfait. We've tried making it ourselves so many times. I don't know what it is they do different, but it's the most glorious thing I've ever eaten. My husband brings it home to me knowing fully well it will get him laid. It's like... my favoritest food ever!
  • I love staying up way past bedtime because I'm laying in bed actually talking to my husband. I love that we can do that no matter how tired we are and no matter how badly we need the sleep. I love that we can talk about anything - from serious issues going on in our lives to singing Family Guy songs at 3 in the morning.

Oh I could go on for days. What do you LOVE? Share with me in my comments!


Your Illusion @ August 8, 2009 at 11:03 PM

I love:
Music - there is always a song to fit the mood I'm in. I wish life had a soundtrack.

Movies - I could sit and watch movies all day, from comedies to cheesy horror flicks.

Reading - I love coming home after a long day at work and sitting on my patio, reading a good book.

IMVU - As much as it drives me insane, I'm thoroughly addicted. *twitch*

Purses - I'm a purse-aholic. I need a closet just for my purses!

HBO/Showtime - They have the best shows, period. True Blood; Hung; The L Word (R.I.P.); Dexter; Big Love; Californication; Six Feet Under (R.I.P.); Dead Like Me (R.I.P.)

Animals - I love all animals, even ones most people think are ugly. The meowing of a cat tugs on my heartstrings. I swear, if my husband didn't put his foot down, I'd be a crazy cat lady. However, bunnies are my all-time favorite!

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