Just Say No to Generic Mayo

There are so many ways to cut corners financially and a big one is buying cheaper food. Buying generic brands is pretty key and most off brands taste the same as the big names - and sometimes even better for half the price.

We've started buying Walmart's brand "Great Value" and for the most part, it's been an okay experience [this from the family that takes a lot of pride in their cooking and enjoys the use of fresh and quality ingredients]. It's been a little tough. That Great Value pasta just wasn't quite what we're used to but it'll do. These Great Value wheat crackers aren't quite the Wheat Thins I love, but they are a decent alternative. The Great Value butter - well, it's butter. The Great Value Frosted Flakes are okay - slightly different texture but they taste pretty good.

All of that, I could handle.

And then there came the Great Value mayonnaise. No friggin thank you. Okay so maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Charlie hadn't mistakenly picked up the Light version [double ew]. It's not Charlie's fault. Not like he's ever purchased this brand before. But boy is it nasty. I draw the line at generic mayo.

There are just things I can't live without even if there is a cheaper alternative. I believe in Charmin toilet paper. I hang onto very few luxuries and I refuse to let that one go. Fortunately my husband agrees with this. My Lipton Citrus Green Tea and my Arizona Tea are my drinks of choices and either one or both of them are in this house at all times. But most other things, I can either do without if I have to, or find a cheaper alternative.


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